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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gym Girls - 5x7 inch album

Available At Digitals


One of the popular sizes for album printing is the 5x7 album (often for a really great price); I've created several sets of quick pages to make it super fast and easy to create an entire album for printing! With each set, you get: several matching pages (they look great side-by-side in the book), a bonus with the picture opening centered (fits most of the albums I've seen), and additional "papers" so you can add extra pages as needed.

*** On each page and paper, I've included a background behind the main area. This is attractive as is, but is actually included so that you don't have to worry about the printer cutting off a small portion of each page! Also, it gives a consistency to your album.

This set of 5x7 pages is the largest I've ever created. I currently have six sets of "Gym Girls" kits in the store, and all six are represented in this album collection. This gives you the option to use different color combinations that might look better for different photos, meets, or even different leotards (like practice pictures). There is a cover page, four quick pages, and 5 papers from each kit - for a total of 60 files in this one album set!

30 easy to print .png files - 5x7 inches each and 300 dpi
30 additional .jpg papers

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